
I met Taunya and started the Rock Steady Program after reading an article in the local newspaper approximately three months ago, taking both private (one on one) lessons and group (4-8) lessons. The group classes consist of people suffering from varying degrees of symptoms.

For the most part my symptoms are fairly well controlled through medications. My purpose for taking this course is not so much to improve, but to try and slow down (and possibly stop) the progressoin of the disease. However, I personally know several others in the class showing much more advanced symptoms. In the short time I’ve been in this class I can see a real difference for the, with the more severe cases showing the most obvious improvements.

I should also point out that having a class consisting of people with varying stages of Parkinson’s
Disease has its own challenges, with different  people requiring varying degrees of instruction and assistance. Somehow Taunya is able to work with everyone, adjusting the workouts to people’s ability, ensuring all get benefit from the class. Common sense dictates though that those in the class with the most advanced PD do require someone be with them for safety purposes.




When I first started in this boxing class I moved slowly and punched lightly. Now, after two months of class, I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. Seriously, this class has improved my coordination as well as my movement. I recommend this class to anyone who has Parkinson’s even if they are not mobile in the normal sense. It seems that the class helps people’s coordination more than any other type of exercise.

On the days that we have class I leave with more energy and a better attitude than on any other day of the week. The instructor is the greatest. She knows how to motivate people and create an atmosphere of camaraderie in the class.

I would recommend this class to anyone who has Parkinson’s and wants to exercise in a meaningful way.




“Rock Steady Boxing’s instructor Taunya  Foerster is a skilled professional who brings out the best in those who are lucky enough to work with her.  She is caring, compassionate and fun, and is fully dedicated to helping her PD clients improve their lives through this unique form of exercise.  With her help I have accomplished far more than I ever thought possible only a few months ago. My balance is steadily improving. My core strength is returning. I feel stronger, more relaxed.  I am able to walk much better without stumbling and falling.  My coordination is improving. Even my confidence and self-respect are returning as I recover some of the physical and mental skills that I feared might be lost forever. Taunya is more than just a a good trainer. She is a gifted teacher who has become my friend and  partner as we work together to improve the quality of my life. Who could ask for better than that!”

-Jim Miles
Merritt Island, Florida